The 'touch' test
When you touch your device, does the hum/buzz noise decrease? When you let go, does it increase again? If so, this is likely to be caused by a missing earth/ground connection. This connection normally shields your system from such interference and drains away the noise. In this instance, you need the Groundhog+.
The Groundhog+ has a variety of adapters and works with every device on the market:
- RCA base cable – for any audio system with an unused RCA socket.
- USB converter – for computer audio systems.
- Spade converter – for power supplies with a DC barrel connector.
- 3.5mm Y-converter – for portable devices with an unused 3.5mm connection.
Hit Noise Harder
The Groundhog+ now works with our AC iPurifier for a dual attack on noisy power. The AC iPurifier will rid your system of electromagnetic or radio-frequency interference. The Groundhog+ comes with a banana / RCA (male cable) for grounding with the AC iPurifier to your equipment. Attach the banana connector to the AC iPurifier and the RCA connector to your amplifier. Not only have you added back the shielding provided by the Groundhog+, but you’ve also stopped outside interference as well.
How do I use?
The GroundHog implements an Ground/Earth link through the set of cables which adapts to your system. Select the appropriate placement and choose
the correct cable
SilentPower Reviews
What's in the box?
- 1x GroundHog (IEC to male RCA, female RCA to DC spade, female RCA to male USB A, female RCA to male 3.5mm)
- 1x User Manual
20.4 x 9.2 x 4.8 cm
Net Weight
340 g